Cell-Phenotyping using Scimap¶
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jun 28 18:10:06 2020
@author: Ajit Johnson Nirmal
Scimap Cell Phenotyping Tutorial
'\nCreated on Fri Jun 28 18:10:06 2020\n@author: Ajit Johnson Nirmal\nScimap Cell Phenotyping Tutorial\n'
Tutorial material¶
You can download the material for this tutorial from the following link:
The presentation files are available here:
Tutorial video¶
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<iframe width="450" height="250" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/knh5elRksUk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
# Load necessary libraries
import sys
import os
import anndata as ad
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import seaborn as sns; sns.set(color_codes=True)
# Import Scimap
import scimap as sm
# Set the working directory
os.chdir ("/Users/aj/Desktop/scimap_tutorial/")
# Load data
adata = ad.read('tutorial_data.h5ad')
Clustering and data exploration¶
You could use clustering and marker expression analysis within clusters to assign cell types similar to what is carried out with single-cell sequencing data.
sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=30, n_pcs=10) # Computing the neighborhood graph
sc.tl.umap(adata) # Build a UMAP to visualize the neighbourhood graph
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['CD3D', 'CD20', 'CD163'], cmap= 'vlag', use_raw=False, s=30) # Plot the UMAP
We can already begin to spot issues with carrying out this mode of phenotyping approach. As you can see there is an area of co-expression of CD3D and CD20, which is likely because of segmentation errors. Additionally the boundaries are not distinct between cell-types and it is highly likely that errors will be introduced due to this reason.
sc.tl.leiden(adata, resolution = 1) # Clustering the neighborhood graph
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['leiden', 'CD3D', 'CD20'],cmap= 'vlag', use_raw=False) # View the clustering
Finding marker genes¶
sc.tl.rank_genes_groups(adata, 'leiden', method='t-test')
sc.pl.rank_genes_groups(adata, n_genes=10, sharey=False, fontsize=16)
From the above plots, it is likely that clusters 1, 2 and 7 could be combined to form a T cell cluster. However, as mentioned earlier the boundaries are not clear and it only get increasingly complex as one would want to perform deeper phenotyping such as CD4 helper T cells, CD8 T cells, regulatory T cells and so on.
Additionally, marker analsyis suggests that CD30 is most expressed in cluster 8. If you look at the actual image, you will realize that CD30 is not expressed by any cell in this image and the analysis is picking up high background fluorescence.
Probability distribution based phenotyping¶
This approach is more labor intensive, however is significantly more sensitive and much more scalable than clustering based approaches. Takes less than 5 mins to run over a million cells once the gates are identified.
In order to run the method, you need 2 things¶
- a gating workflow strategy
.csv file
- manual gates
.csv file
. If manual gates are not provided, the algorithm will attempt to rescale the data by fitting two gaussians on the data. However, it is adviced to perform manual gating as I have found it to be more sensitive.
The algorithm involves three steps:
1. Identify the gates using sm.pl.gate_finder
2. Rescale the data based on the identified gates using sm.pp.rescale
3. Run the phenotyping algorithm on the rescaled data using sm.tl.phenotype
Define manual gates to rescale data before running the phenotyping algorithm¶
Instantiating the Qt GUI can take a few seconds and if you create the Viewer before it is finished, the kernel will die and the viewer will not launch. For this reason the %gui qt magic command should always be run in a separate cell from creating the viewer
%gui qt
Step 1: Identify the gates using sm.pl.gate_finder
image_path = '/Users/aj/Desktop/scimap_tutorial/reactive_core.tif'
marker_of_interest = 'CD45'
sm.pl.gate_finder (image_path, adata, marker_of_interest,
from_gate = 5, to_gate = 9, increment = 0.1,
markers=['ASMA','DNA11', 'CD20', 'CD3D'], point_size=6)
Step 2: Rescale the data based on the identified gates using sm.pp.rescale
Note: Below we are passing a manual_gates.csv
into the gate
This contatins gates that were visually determined using the sm.pl.gate_finder
function. For the markers included in the manual_gates.csv
the function will scale the data such that cells with expression greater than the gate
will be considered as positive for that marker and cells
with expression below the gate is considered negative.
For markers that are not included in the manual_gates.csv
file, the function
will automatically try to determine a gate by running a gaussian mixture model
algorithm on the data.
Finally, if a marker is included in the manual_gates.csv
file but no gate value
was provided (i.e. left empty). The function will do nothing. It will simply scale
the data between 0 and 1 and print out a warning.
# Load the manual gates and rescale the data based on the gates
manual_gate = pd.read_csv('manual_gates.csv')
adata = sm.pp.rescale (adata, gate=manual_gate)
Scaling Image [mcmicro_output]
Categories (1, object): [mcmicro_output]
Finding the optimal gate for CD10
Finding the optimal gate for CD2
Finding the optimal gate for CD30
Finding the optimal gate for CD43
Finding the optimal gate for CD5
Finding the optimal gate for CD57
Finding the optimal gate for CD7
Finding the optimal gate for KI67
Finding the optimal gate for MHCI
Finding the optimal gate for PDL1
Finding the optimal gate for PS6
Finding the optimal gate for PSTAT3
Scaling ASMA
Scaling CD163
Scaling CD206
Scaling CD68
Scaling CD20
Scaling CD21
Scaling CD3D
Scaling CD45
Scaling CD56
Scaling CD8A
Scaling FOXP3
Scaling CD11B
Scaling CD11C
Scaling CD15
Scaling CD4
Scaling PD1
Scaling HLADR
Scaling CD25
# View the scaled data (note that the log data is replaced with scaled data)
# If you ever want the log data back you will need to run- np.log1p(adata.raw.X)
array([[0.17841106, 0.45723783, 0.49234127, ..., 0.15973007, 0.1665647 ,
[0.155838 , 0.21377199, 0.34924023, ..., 0.1522421 , 0.0885678 ,
[0.29090098, 0.37456273, 0.50752728, ..., 0.21580293, 0.17788475,
[0.33621626, 0.70161347, 0.70359459, ..., 0.26182348, 0.60810172,
[0.15324935, 0.51044092, 0.60877724, ..., 0.11845023, 0.26558105,
[0.18923565, 0.431478 , 0.58019522, ..., 0.09423545, 0.24047052,
Step 3: Run the phenotyping algorithm on the rescaled data using sm.tl.phenotype
# Load the gating workflow
phenotype = pd.read_csv('phenotype_workflow.csv')
adata = sm.tl.phenotype_cells (adata, phenotype=phenotype, label="phenotype")
Phenotyping Other Immune cells
Phenotyping ASMA+ cells
-- Subsetting Other Immune cells
Phenotyping T cells
Phenotyping B cells
Phenotyping Myeloid Lineage
Phenotyping NK cells
Phenotyping Granulocytes
-- Subsetting Myeloid Lineage
Phenotyping T cells
Phenotyping B cells
Phenotyping NK cells
Phenotyping Granulocytes
Phenotyping CD68+ Macrophages
Phenotyping M2 Macrophages
Phenotyping Myeloid Dendritic cells
Phenotyping Follicular Dendritic cells
-- Subsetting T cells
Phenotyping CD4 T cells
Phenotyping CD8 T cells
-- Subsetting CD4 T cells
Phenotyping Regulatory T cells
Phenotyping Follicular Helper T cells
-- Subsetting CD8 T cells
Phenotyping PD1+ T cells
-- Subsetting Myeloid Dendritic cells
Phenotyping CD25+ Dendritic cells
Consolidating the phenotypes across all groups
# Summary of the phenotyping
B cells 2037
CD4 T cells 502
ASMA+ cells 420
Regulatory T cells 418
CD8 T cells 322
Follicular Helper T cells 282
T cells 146
Unknown 140
Other Immune cells 137
Myeloid Dendritic cells 124
Follicular Dendritic cells 87
Myeloid Lineage 80
PD1+ T cells 63
M2 Macrophages 55
Granulocytes 8
NK cells 3
CD25+ Dendritic cells 1
Name: phenotype, dtype: int64
It is likely that CD25+ Dendritic cells, NK cells & Granulocytes
are artifacts. You could set pheno_threshold_abs= 10
to move these cells into unknown
Once the phenotyping is performed, it is adviced to overlay the phenotypes on the image and check if they are correct. If not, alter the phenotyping workflow
file or the manual gate
to account for the errors.
# View phenotypes
sm.pl.image_viewer (image_path, adata, overlay = 'phenotype', point_color='white', point_size=6)
# View Leiden clustering
sm.pl.image_viewer (image_path, adata, overlay = 'leiden', point_color='white', point_size=6)
Heatmap and UMAP of the probability based phenotyping¶
sc.tl.dendrogram(adata, groupby='phenotype')
sc.pl.matrixplot(adata, var_names= adata.var.index, groupby='phenotype', dendrogram=True, use_raw=False, cmap="vlag", standard_scale='var')
GridSpec(2, 3, height_ratios=[0, 10.5], width_ratios=[9.6, 0.8, 0.2])
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['leiden', 'phenotype']) # View the clustering
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['phenotype'],legend_loc='on data', title='', frameon=False, s = 100) # View the clustering
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['CD3D', 'PD1', 'CD20'],cmap= 'vlag', use_raw=False, frameon=False, s = 100) # View the clustering
As it can be seen from above 3 UMAP's it would have been very difficult to find the Follicular helper T cells by a pure clustering approach. Also, the B cells as can be seen above does not from a nice seperate cluster. These among other illustrate the importance of using the probability based algorithm for deep phenotyping.
# Confirm Follicular helper T cells in the image
sm.pl.image_viewer (image_path, adata,
overlay = 'phenotype', overlay_category=['Follicular Helper T cells'],
markers = ['CD3D','CD20','PD1','CD8A','CD4','DNA11'],
point_color='white', point_size=6)
# Save the results
This concludes this tutorial