Getting Started with Scimap

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jun 26 23:11:32 2020
@author: Ajit Johnson Nirmal
Scimap Getting Started tutorial
# Before you start make sure you have installed the following packages
# pip install scimap
# pip install scanpy
# pip install leidenalg
# Load necessary libraries
import sys
import os
import anndata as ad
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import seaborn as sns; sns.set(color_codes=True)

# Import Scimap
import scimap as sm
# Set the working directory
os.chdir ("/Users/aj/Desktop/scimap_tutorial/")

Load data using AnnData

# Load data
data = pd.read_csv ('counts_table.csv') # Counts matrix
meta = pd.read_csv ('meta_data.csv') # Meta data like x and y coordinates 

# combine the data and metadata file to generate the AnnData object
adata = ad.AnnData (data)
adata.obs = meta
/opt/anaconda3/envs/scimap/lib/python3.7/site-packages/anndata/_core/ ImplicitModificationWarning: Transforming to str index.
  warnings.warn("Transforming to str index.", ImplicitModificationWarning)

Print adata to check for it's content

AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 4825 × 48
    obs: 'X_centroid', 'Y_centroid', 'Area', 'MajorAxisLength', 'MinorAxisLength', 'Eccentricity', 'Solidity', 'Extent', 'Orientation'
adata.obs # prints the meta data
X_centroid Y_centroid Area MajorAxisLength MinorAxisLength Eccentricity Solidity Extent Orientation
0 511.555556 9.846154 117 14.532270 10.273628 0.707261 0.959016 0.750000 -0.695369
1 579.330097 9.398058 103 16.056286 8.776323 0.837396 0.903509 0.613095 1.115707
2 630.958333 12.883333 120 15.222005 10.310756 0.735653 0.975610 0.681818 0.151616
3 745.194631 16.275168 149 14.380200 13.404759 0.362027 0.967532 0.662222 -0.270451
4 657.173653 18.035928 167 17.675831 12.110106 0.728428 0.943503 0.695833 -0.810890
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4820 559.597403 1091.577922 154 18.150307 11.683288 0.765281 0.900585 0.570370 -0.342315
4821 619.983871 1092.959677 248 21.734414 15.565820 0.697912 0.864111 0.551111 1.432242
4822 583.317073 1093.573171 82 12.060039 9.539789 0.611784 0.964706 0.630769 0.203023
4823 607.064394 1101.583333 264 22.549494 15.905321 0.708858 0.882943 0.661654 0.691838
4824 641.592486 1100.132948 346 23.149806 19.375564 0.547257 0.945355 0.791762 -1.390516

4825 rows × 9 columns

adata.X # prints the counts table
array([[16640.564  ,   719.6325 ,   527.7094 , ...,  1085.735  ,
          218.54701,  3170.47   ],
       [16938.3    ,   686.5534 ,   469.30096, ...,  1075.6407 ,
          164.48544,  3116.767  ],
       [16243.542  ,   819.4167 ,   604.39166, ...,  1164.3917 ,
          227.74167,  3156.1084 ],
       [28656.256  ,   878.2561 ,   585.3293 , ...,  1233.183  ,
         1243.5488 ,  3194.195  ],
       [22054.818  ,   685.8485 ,   424.85226, ...,  1031.2424 ,
          313.32574,  3038.8105 ],
       [23992.854  ,   850.25146,   529.89886, ...,  1000.5578 ,
          285.98267,  3087.3005 ]], dtype=float32)
adata.var[0:5] # prints the first 5 channel or marker names

You would have noticed that - the data is not in log scale - All the DNA channels are there - The background channels are there If we diretly perform clustering or any other type of analysis, the above mentioned factors may affect the results and so it is recommended to remove them.

Load data using scimap's helper function

Use this if the single-cell data was generated using mcmicro pipeline. With this function though many of the above limitations can be imediately addressed. By default it removes DNA channels and you can pass any channel name into drop_markers parameter inorder to not import them.

image_path = ['/Users/aj/Desktop/scimap_tutorial/mcmicro_output.csv']
adata = sm.pp.mcmicro_to_scimap (image_path, drop_markers = ["PERK", "NOS2","BG1","BG2","BG3","ACTIN"])
Loading mcmicro_output.csv

Check adata contents now as we did previously

AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 4825 × 30
    obs: 'X_centroid', 'Y_centroid', 'Area', 'MajorAxisLength', 'MinorAxisLength', 'Eccentricity', 'Solidity', 'Extent', 'Orientation', 'imageid'
    uns: 'all_markers'
adata.X # Will now contain log normalized data
array([[6.3674684, 6.4287267, 7.3826084, ..., 6.990933 , 5.3915663,
        8.061951 ],
       [6.340171 , 6.094227 , 7.339796 , ..., 6.981601 , 5.1088834,
        8.044872 ],
       [6.503502 , 6.3549495, 7.4734573, ..., 7.0608125, 5.4325933,
        8.057412 ],
       [6.5583014, 6.660794 , 7.4199724, ..., 7.1181645, 7.1265283,
        8.069404 ],
       [6.3370404, 6.281594 , 7.2397914, ..., 6.939489 , 5.7504296,
        8.01955  ],
       [6.3805585, 6.180567 , 7.2547846, ..., 6.909312 , 5.659422 ,
        8.035377 ]], dtype=float32)
adata.raw.X # contains the raw data
array([[ 581.5812 ,  618.38464, 1606.7778 , ..., 1085.735  ,  218.54701,
        3170.47   ],
       [ 565.8932 ,  442.29126, 1539.3981 , ..., 1075.6407 ,  164.48544,
        3116.767  ],
       [ 666.475  ,  574.3333 , 1759.6833 , ..., 1164.3917 ,  227.74167,
        3156.1084 ],
       [ 704.0732 ,  780.1707 , 1667.9878 , ..., 1233.183  , 1243.5488 ,
        3194.195  ],
       [ 564.1212 ,  533.64014, 1392.803  , ..., 1031.2424 ,  313.32574,
        3038.8105 ],
       [ 589.2572 ,  482.2659 , 1413.8584 , ..., 1000.5578 ,  285.98267,
        3087.3005 ]], dtype=float32)
adata.obs # prints the meta data
X_centroid Y_centroid Area MajorAxisLength MinorAxisLength Eccentricity Solidity Extent Orientation imageid
mcmicro_output_1 511.555556 9.846154 117 14.532270 10.273628 0.707261 0.959016 0.750000 -0.695369 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_2 579.330097 9.398058 103 16.056286 8.776323 0.837396 0.903509 0.613095 1.115707 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_3 630.958333 12.883333 120 15.222005 10.310756 0.735653 0.975610 0.681818 0.151616 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_4 745.194631 16.275168 149 14.380200 13.404759 0.362027 0.967532 0.662222 -0.270451 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_5 657.173653 18.035928 167 17.675831 12.110106 0.728428 0.943503 0.695833 -0.810890 mcmicro_output
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
mcmicro_output_4821 559.597403 1091.577922 154 18.150307 11.683288 0.765281 0.900585 0.570370 -0.342315 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_4822 619.983871 1092.959677 248 21.734414 15.565820 0.697912 0.864111 0.551111 1.432242 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_4823 583.317073 1093.573171 82 12.060039 9.539789 0.611784 0.964706 0.630769 0.203023 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_4824 607.064394 1101.583333 264 22.549494 15.905321 0.708858 0.882943 0.661654 0.691838 mcmicro_output
mcmicro_output_4825 641.592486 1100.132948 346 23.149806 19.375564 0.547257 0.945355 0.791762 -1.390516 mcmicro_output

4825 rows × 10 columns

We can use scanpy package to explore the data, n_top=20, ) # Most expressing proteins

png, svd_solver='arpack') # peform PCA, color='KI67') # scatter plot in the PCA coordinates
... storing 'imageid' as categorical

png # PCs to the total variance in the data


# Save the results

This concludes the getting started tutorial, continue with the phenotyping tutorial.